图书馆研究 ›› 2006, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 71-73.

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  1. 广东省韶关学院图书馆
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:张红凌,女,1956年生,本科学历,副研究馆员,供职于广东省韶关学院图书馆,发表论文三十余篇。邮编:512005,广东省韶关市大塘路。

Discussion of Information Reference Service's Thinking and Skills of Catalog Indexing

Zhang HongLing   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 信息咨询服务不是一个单纯的技术性劳动过程,它是一个包含着紧张高效的思维活动在内的脑力劳动过程,也是一个知识分析、知识组织、知识交流与知识迁移的过程,整个过程融合了检索者所拥有知识的深度、广度和更新程度,所列举的六种方法有助于对检索课题进行分析、判断和查找。

关键词: 信息咨询服务 检索思路 检索技巧

Abstract: Information Reference Service is not a simple technical labor process, but is a highly efficient mental labor process, which is also a process of knowledge analysis, organization, communication and transformation. The whole process involves the possession of the catalog indexer's knowledge depth and the degree of knowledge improvement. This article outlines six methods that help us to analyze, research and find the needed information.

Key words: Information Reference Service, Thinking of Catalog Indexing, Skills of Catalog Indexing


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