图书馆研究 ›› 2006, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 120-121.

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郭永建 赵岩碧   

  1. 西北工业大学图书馆 不详
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:郭永建,男,1971年生,本科,馆员,供职于西北工业大学图书馆,发表论文6篇,参编著作2部.邮编:710072,陕西省西安市友谊西路127号.

Practice and Discussion to Environmental Construction of Apparatus Room in Digital Library

Guo Yongjian, Zhao Yanbi    

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 根据图书馆机房运行的特点,结合实践经验探讨了机房环境建设的重要性和建设中应重点注意的一些问题,如机房供配电系统、空调系统、机房洁净度、机房防雷防静电、机房环境监控系统等,并针对实际情况提出了一些建议.

关键词: 数字图书馆 机房环境建设 供配电 空调系统 洁净度 防雷电 环境监控

Abstract: The paper discusses the importance of the environment of the apparatus room in digital library and several matters in its construction,such as power supply system, air conditioning system, cleanliness,lightning protection and static electricity protection, environment monitoring system, etc. and gives some advice of the apparatus room construction in digital library.

Key words: Digital Library, Environment of Apparatus Room, Power-supply and Distribution System, Air-conditioning System,Cleanliness, Lightning Protection and Statics-proofing, Environmental Monitoring


  • G258.91