图书馆研究 ›› 2006, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 14-15.

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  1. 中共福建省委党校
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:魏秀玲,女,1975年生,本科,馆员,供职于中共福建省委党校图书馆,发表论文5篇.邮编:350001,福建省福州市鼓楼区柳河路61号.

Harmonious Society Calls Serves for Disadvantaged Groups from Library

Wei XiuLing    

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 构建和谐社会的新的历史时期,弱势群体的生存状态成为不可忽视的问题.从分析城市弱势群体的主要构成出发,论述了图书馆在弱势群体知识援助上的责任,并阐述了图书馆为弱势群体服务的四个方面举措.

关键词: 和谐社会 图书馆 弱势群体 知识援助

Abstract: In the new historical time,the thinese are constructing a harmonious society and must, pay close attention to the disadvantaged groups'survival situation, from analysing the main composition of urban disadvantaged groups, This text points out that it is the duty-bound responsibility of the library to provide the knowledge assistance to the disadvantaged groups, and explains the concrete action that the library serve disadvantaged groups from four respects.

Key words: Harmonious Society, Library, Disadvantaged Groups Knowledge Assistance


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