图书馆研究 ›› 2006, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 73-75.

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刘涟涟 楼碧芬   

  1. 中国美术学院图书馆 浙江工业大学图书馆,310002
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:刘涟涟,女,1977年生,本科,助理馆员,发表论文1篇,供职于中国美术学院图书馆; 楼碧芬,女,1979年生,本科,助理馆员.供职于浙江工业大学图书馆,发表论文2篇,女性,邮编:310002,杭州市南山路218号。

Constructing "Information Project of Graphics Context" for MARC of Art Academy Library

Liu Lianlian , Lou Bifen   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 美术类书籍以图像为主要文献内容,在目前的图书馆书目检索系统中,仅靠书名、作者等文字著录信息并不能满足读者对美术书籍的检索需求,故提出在机读书目中创建“图文信息项”,使读者通过检索能即刻获得直观的图文信息,从而提高检索的针对性,节省读者的时间。

关键词: 美术书籍 图文信息项 书目检索系统 机读书目 图书馆 美术院校

Abstract: "Graphics" are the main part of Artistic materials, however, the current library search engine only provide some literal information which can not satisfy the audiences. The authors suggest to create a "Graphics context information Project", as the audiences will be able to obtain a pictorial and literal information about the Artistic materials. It can improve the pertinence of searches and save the time of the reader.

Key words: Artistic Materials, Information Project of Graphics Context, Bibliographic Retrieval Service


  • G252.7 G258.6