图书馆研究 ›› 2007, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 24-25.

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  1. 广东省佛山市江湾一路18号,528000
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:丁玉玲,女,1962年生,本科,经济师,供职于佛山科学技术学院文学与艺术学院。邮编:528000,广东省佛山市江湾一路18号。

On Evolutions of Exploitation Model of Literature Resources in Hybrid Libraries

Oing Yuling   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 随着复合图书馆的发展,图书馆的文献信息资源开发工作正在发生着一系列模式演变:社会需求模式从文献保障转变为知识保障:开发范围从纸本为主转变为虚实一体化;开发深度从“种”“卷”“册”转变为知识单元;开发技术从文献加工转变为知识重组;开发产品从二、三次文献转变为以知识库为主。

关键词: 文献信息 资源开发 开发范围 开发深度 开发技术 开发产品

Abstract: The author holds that a series of model evolutions have taken place in the field of the literature resources exploitation with the development of the hybrid library: the social demand from document safeguard to knowledge safeguard,the exploitation scope from taking the paper document as the dominant factor to merging the virtual document and entity document into a whole organic , the exploitation depth from the whole book or journal to the knowledge unit, the exploitation technique from the literature processing to knowledge information processing and the exploitation products from the secondary publication and the tertiary publication to taking the database as the dominant factor.

Key words: Document Information, Exploitation of Literature Resources, Exploitation Scope, Exploitation Depth, Exploitation Technique, Exploitation Products Class Number


  • G250.73