图书馆研究 ›› 2007, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 26-28.

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朱刚 武群辉 刘海   

  1. 江苏技术师范学院图书馆,213001
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:朱刚,男,1966年生,本科,副研究馆员,发表论文数十篇。参编教材2部; 武群辉,男,1973年生,本科,馆员; 刘海,男,1973年生,本科,助理馆员,江苏技术师范学院图书馆。邮编:213001,江苏省常州市常锡路西端育英路2号。

The Formation of Information Resources Co-construction and Sharing of Universities Libraries in Yangze River Delta Region

Zhu Gang,WU Qunhui , Liu Hoi   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 长三角地区高校图书馆的信息资源建设具有丰富性、层次性、互补性等特点。加强本地区高校之间文献信息资源的共建共享建设具有重要意义。从政策、资金、技术、人才、服务体系建设等方面提出了促进长三角地区高校图书馆信息资源共建共享的具体途径和方法。

关键词: 长三角地区 高校图书馆 信息资源 共建共享

Abstract: There are rich ,varied and complementarity characteristics in the information resources construction of universities libraries in Yangze River Delta region. It is highly significant to Strengthen the co-construction and sharing of library information resources in this area. This paper proposes the concrete measures and methods of promoting the co-construction and sharing of library information resources of universities in Yangze River Delta, through the respects of policy,fund,technology,talent,service systems.

Key words: Yangze River Delta Region,University Library,Information Resources,Co-construction and Sharing


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