图书馆研究 ›› 2007, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 6-8.

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  1. 山东大学图书馆,250100
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:吴蕊,女,1962年生,硕士,馆员,发表论文10余篇,参编著作1部,供职于山东大学图书馆。邮编:250100,山东大学图书馆。

On Inspiration of Zhu Xi's Views on Reading to the Construction of Library

Wu Rui   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 在现代社会中,一个崇尚读书的良好氛围,对图书馆的发展起着至关重要的作用。鉴往可以知来,宋代大儒朱熹所提出的“读书明理”的读书观对现代图书馆建设有着三方面的启示:即要以实现人的全面发展为目标;要实现图书馆自身与社会的双向互动;每个图书馆员应该从自身做起,积极营造图书馆乃至整个社会的良好读书氛围。

关键词: 朱熹 朱熹读书观 图书馆建设

Abstract: The good atmosphere of advocating reading plays a fundamental role in the development of library in modem society. Understanding of the past provides guidance for living in the present.The view on reading of "reading can make you understand principle" advanced by zhuxi indicates that there are three inspirations to the construction of modern libraries,it includes achieving a goal of comprehensive development for citizens,realizing interaction between the library and the society,setting up a good atmosphere of constructing reading in the library as well as the whole society through the efforts of each librarian with self-discipline.

Key words: Zhu xi,Zhu Xi' s Views on Reading, Construction of Library


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