图书馆研究 ›› 2010, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 6-9.

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谢珍 杨九龙   

  1. 西北大学公共管理学院,陕西西安710069
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:谢珍(1985-),女,陕西宝鸡人,西北大学公共管理学院研究生.研究方向:知识管理; 杨九龙(1970-),男,陕西富平人,讲师,博士,研究方向:数字图书馆。

Research on the Ubiquity of Library Services in Ubiquitous Knowledge Environment

XIE Zhen,YANG Jiu-long (School of Public Management,Northwest University,Xi'an 710069,China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 泛在知识环境下图书馆服务应具有无所不在、透明、开放获取的特点。泛在图书馆的构建应倡导以用户为中心、主动服务、平等获取、开放共享的理念,坚持海量资源、质量保障、有序组织的资源建设与保障策略,加强网络技术、信息设备、智能交互的研究运用,向用户提供无所不在的知识服务。实体图书馆泛在化及网络服务泛在化是图书馆服务泛在化的实现路径。

关键词: 泛在知识环境 泛在图书馆 泛在服务

Abstract: Library services should be characterized by ubiquitous,transparence and open access in ubiquitous knowledge environment.This paper puts forward that we should insist on the idea of user-centered,initiative service and open sharing,and should enhance the research on the network technology,information equipment, the resources should be abundant,guaranteed quality and well organized in the construction of ubiquitous library in order to provide the immanence knowledge services for the users.The extensive of the entity library and network services can be the paths to make it come true.

Key words: ubiquitous knowledge environment;ubiquitous library;ubiquitous service


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