图书馆研究 ›› 2011, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 69-71.

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  1. 沈阳职业技术学院,辽宁沈阳110045
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:裴庆丰(1953-),男,副研究馆员,本科,研究方向:文献资源建设及图书馆的科学管理。

Thoughts on the Innovation of Library Service Concept in Information Age

PEI Qing-feng (Shenyang Polytechnic, Shenyang 110045,China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 服务是图书馆的基本宗旨,是贯穿图书馆发展的主线,是图书馆的核心价值观。在信息社会,图书馆要赢得竞争优势,提高服务水平和质量,就要树立正确的、先进的、科学的服务理念。在借鉴其他服务行业先进服务理念的基础上,提出了信息时代图书馆服务理念的创新。

关键词: 信息时代 图书馆 图书馆服务 服务理念

Abstract: As a basic tenet, service is the main line that is running through the development of library and the key value of library. It is imperative to set up correct, advanced, and scientific service concept in order to enhance the standard and quality of library service and gain competitive edge. Consulting the advanced service ideas from other service industries, this paper puts forward the innovation of library service concept in information age.

Key words: information age; library; library service; service concept


  • G252