图书馆研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 110-112.

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  1. 惠州工业科技学校图书馆,广东惠州516005
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:汤海燕(1971-),女,馆员,大专,研究方向:中职学校图书馆工作。

Thought on the Training of Librarians' Knowledge Service Capabilities

TANG Hai-yan (Huizhou Professional School of Industrial Science and Technology, Huizhou 516005, China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 21世纪是知识经济时代,知识成为重要的资源。开展知识服务,是图书馆构建核心竞争力的关键。加强图书馆员知识服务能力的培养是图书馆有效开展知识服务的基础。分析了馆员知识服务能力的构成要素,并从馆员培训、自主学习、隐性知识共享等方面论述了提升馆员知识服务能力的途径。

关键词: 图书馆员 知识服务能力 能力培养

Abstract: The 21st century is the era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge has become an important resource.The development of knowledge service is a key factor for library to build the core competitiveness. The training of li- brarians" kowledge service capacity is the foundation of library to offer knowledge service.This paper analyses the components of librarians' knowledge service capacities, and discusses the ways to enhance the librarians' knowledge service capabilities from librarian training, independent learning and the sharing of tacit knowledge, etc.

Key words: librarian; knowledge service ability; the training of ability


  • G251.6