图书馆研究 ›› 2014, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 29-32.

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  1. 江苏食品药品职业技术学院图书馆,江苏淮安223003
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:王咏梅(1969-),女,馆员,本科,研究方向:图书馆学。

The Construction of Information Resources in University Libraries Based on University Users' Network Information Behaviors

WANG Yong-mei (Library of Jiangsu Food and Pharmaceutical Science College, Huai'an 223003, China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 在网络环境下,关注用户网络信息行为,加强信息资源建设,创新信息服务模式,是图书馆可持续发展的关键。分析高校用户网络信息行为的特点,提出高校图书馆信息资源建设的对策,为网络环境下高校图书馆信息资源建设提供参考。

关键词: 高校图书馆 用户 网络信息行为 信息资源建设

Abstract: In the new network environment, paying attention to users' information behaviors, strengthening the construction of information resources and innovating information service models are important for the sustainable development of libraries. This paper analyses features about users' network information behaviors, and proposes some countermeasures of information resources construction in order to provide reference for the construction of information resources of university libraries under the network environment.

Key words: university library;user;network information behavior;information resource construction


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