Library Research ›› 2019, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (1): 121-128.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5197(2019)01-0121-08

• Document Textual Research and Bibliometrics • Previous Articles    

Reanalysis of Fund Sponsored Papers of Information Science Journals Based on CSSCI

YANG Qi-zhen   

  1. Library of Huaiyin Institute of Technology,Huaian 223003,China
  • Received:2018-09-27 Online:2019-01-30 Published:2019-12-10

Abstract: With the selection of“Chinese Social Science Citation Index”(CSSCI),seven kinds of information periodicals(hereinafter referred to as C),including Library and Information Service,Journal of Intelligence and Journal of Modern Information,are selected as research objects.By using bibliometrics methods,from the proportion of the fund paper,the level of fund support,the theme of the fund paper,the cooperation proportion of the fund paper,the core publish service agency of the fund paper,the area and title of the first author of the fund paper,this paper makes a statistical analysis of 1 661 fund papers published in seven C journals in 2016,including Library and Information Service.It reveals the current research hotspots and research directions of information science,and provides valuable information for intelligence researchers.

Key words: CSSCI;information science journal;funded paper;bibliometrics

CLC Number: 

  • G350