Library Research ›› 2013, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 89-91.

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The Construction and Services of Information Commons in Higher Vocational College Libraries Based on the Cooperation between School and Enterprise

WU Sai-e (Guangzhou Municipal Administration School, Guangzhou 510500, China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

Abstract: The cooperation between school and enterprise is a way of higher vocational colleges to train skilled personnel. It can make higher vocational college library adapt to the development of the information environment, promotethe development of enterprises and the Skilled personnel training to construct information commons in high voeational college library and to provide one-stop information services for business users. This paper elaboratesthe meaning and characteristics of information commons, and discusses the construction and services of informarion commons in higher vocational college library based on the cooperation between school and enterprise.

Key words: information commons; higher vocational college library; information service.

CLC Number: 

  • G250.76