图书馆研究 ›› 2005, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 97-98.

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  1. 宜春学院图书馆副馆长
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:黄玉兰,女,副研究馆员,宜春学院图书馆副馆长.发表论文十余篇。邮编:336000,江西省宜春市。

On Modern Library Building's Inner Color and Humane Solicitude

Huang Yulan   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 从图书馆人文关怀的角度出发,探析现代图书馆建筑内环境色彩的运用,可以创造出一个幽雅、舒适而又符合读者和工作人员生理、心理和身心健康的人文环境,这对于愉悦心灵情感、促进知识吸收和提高工作效率均有重要作用,从而阐明色彩对读者产生的重要影响及其所体现出的人文作用.

关键词: 图书馆建筑 色彩运用 人文关怀

Abstract: This essay discusses the functions of color which is great infectious and humane solicitudinous for readers.Based on the humane solicitude of the library, this essay analyses how to use library building's inner color to create a humane surrounding which is more suitable for readers and missionaries's psychology and their health.Thus it can promote readers to learn more knowledge and missionaries to work more efficiently.

Key words: Library Building, Application of Color, Humane Solicitude


  • G251