图书馆研究 ›› 2014, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 61-64.

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崔芳 温凌云   

  1. 江西省图书馆,江西南昌330046
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:崔芳(1963-),女,副研究馆员,本科,研究方向:图书馆管理,读者服务; 温凌云(1988-),女,助理馆员,本科,研究方向:读者服务。

Discussion on the Multiple Cooperation Modes of the Public Library in Children's Reading Promotion

CUI Fang, WEN Ling-yun (Jiangxi Provincial Library, Nanchang 330046, China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 儿童阅读是少年儿童增长知识,拓宽视野的重要途径,也是人生成长的必经之路.培养少年儿童从小阅读,将使他们在少儿时期就养成良好的自主学习习惯,从而能够终身阅读,终身学习.公共图书馆作为传承文明,服务社会的重要文化教育机构,如何秉承其公益育人的优良传统,联合社会各界如政府、新闻媒体、出版社、学校、社区和少儿家庭等,开展卓有成效的阅读推广活动,这是一个值得深入探讨的课题.

关键词: 公共图书馆 少儿阅读推广 多元合作

Abstract: The children's reading is not only an important way for them to increase their knowledge and widen their horizon, but also the way they must pass by in their life. Cultivating children's habit of reading will enable them to make a good habit of active learning in childhood and keep reading and learning through their life. As an important cultural and educational institution of inheriting and spreading civilization and serving the society, this is a topic worthy further discussion for the public library on how to uphold the fine tradition of public education, and combining with the social from all walks of life, such as the governments, medias, publishing houses, schools, communities and children's families, carry out more fruitful reading promotion activities.

Key words: public library; children's reading promotion; multiple cooperation


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