图书馆研究 ›› 2015, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 24-26.

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  1. 北京日报报业集团,北京100734
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:郭虹(1961-),女,馆员,硕士,研究方向:报社图书馆第三空间。

The Third Space Library of the Newspaper: A Multi Function Library with Knowledge, Art, Taste and Life

GUO Hong (Beijing Daily Newspaper Group, Beijing 100734, China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 构建有知识、艺术、品味、生活的报社多功能图书馆,实现报社图书馆转型创新,既能保护和利用报社图书馆典藏资源,又能结合数字化技术,进一步发挥图书馆在新闻宣传报道工作中的职能作用,同时也为辛苦打拼的报人们营造一个有知识馆藏、技术含量、幽雅环境、人性服务的第三空间——一个缓解压力、修身养性、求知交流、文化休闲的"家外之家"。

关键词: 第三空间 报社图书馆 多功能服务

Abstract: Constructing a multi function library of the newspaper with knowledge, art, taste and life, achieving transforma-tion and innovation of the newspaper library not only protect and use the newspaper library collection resource,but also play a functional role of the library in news propaganda reports combining with digital technology. Furthermore, it can create the third space with knowledge collection, technical content, elegant environment, hu-manity service, which is a stress relief, self-cultivation, knowledge exchange, culture leisure "home away from home" for the newspaper staff.

Key words: the third space; newspaper library; multi functional service


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