图书馆研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (2): 77-81.

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  1. 湖北文理学院图书馆,湖北 襄阳 441053
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-19 出版日期:2017-02-28 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:张鑫(1974-),女,副研究馆员,本科,研究方向:信息管理与读者服务。
  • 基金资助:

Personalized Establishment of Date Base about Intangible Cultural Heritage and Services in Local University Libraries

ZHANG Xin   

  1. Library of Hubei University of Arts and Science, Xiangyan 441053, China
  • Received:2016-12-19 Online:2017-02-28 Published:2019-04-28



关键词: 非物质文化遗产, 数据库, 个性化服务, 高校图书馆


Based on the empirical study and the data analysis, taking the practice of the personalized protection and promotion of local intangible cultural heritage in Library of Hubei University of Arts and Science for example, this paper discusses the establishment of data base about intangible cultural heritage and puts forward personalized services including freshman orientation, living library service, knowledge sharing space, subject librarian system and patron-driven acquisition and win-win cooperation.

Key words: Intangible Cultural Heritage, date base, personalized service, university library


  • G250.74