Library Research ›› 2013, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 107-109.
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LI Yan-li (Songyuan Library, Songyuan 138000, China)
Abstract: Among reader services, contradiction between librarians and readers is existing at any time, which brings a neg- ative impact to realization of library functions. This paper analyses some contradictions between librarians and readers in public libraries, and brings forward some methods to deal with the contradiction by using the theory of social attitude and social communication.
Key words: public library; reader; librarian; contradiction
CLC Number:
LI Yan-li (Songyuan Library, Songyuan 138000, China). Psyehologlcal Anaiysis of the Contradiction Between Librarians and Readers in Public Libraries and Its Resolving Countermeasure[J].Library Research, 2013, 43(4): 107-109.
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