图书馆研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 105-109.

• 用户研究与教育 • 上一篇    下一篇

基于“翻转”理念的高校图书馆信息素养教育微课设计与反思 *


  1. 广西政法管理干部学院,广西南宁530023
  • 收稿日期:2016-06-02 出版日期:2016-09-30 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:黄辉(1983-),男,副研究馆员,硕士,研究方向:图书馆信息服务。
  • 基金资助:
    * 本文系国家社科基金项目“用户信息素养教育与信息消费能力长效互动机制研究”成果之一(13XTQ002);2015 年度广西职业教育教学改革立项项目“高职院校微课设计与实践研究——以《信息检索》为例”阶段性研究成果之一(GXGZJG2015B322)

The Design and Reflection of Information Literacy Education Micro-class of the University Library Based on“Flipped”Concept

HUANG Hui   

  1. Guangxi Political Science and Law Institute,Nanning 530023,China
  • Received:2016-06-02 Online:2016-09-30 Published:2019-04-28



关键词: 微课, 翻转课堂, 信息素养教育, 高校图书馆


In“internet+”age,the wide attention of the classroom teaching mode such as flip and micro-class has caused a wave of education teaching model reform at home and abroad.The development bottleneck of the information literacy education of the university library is necessary to be broken,the information literacy education of the university library also has the necessity and feasibility of transformation to follow the social development.This paper puts forward micro teaching ideas based on“flipped”concept,which is applied in the information literacy education of the university library,constructs the design model of information literacy education micro-class based on the concept of“flip”,and then analyzes the effectiveness of the model through the teaching practice of information retrieval and information use of law curriculum.

Key words: micro-class, flipped classroom, information literacy education, university library


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