Library Research ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 85-93.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5197(2021)03-0085-09

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Investigation on Pricing and Charging Standards of University Sci-tech Novelty Retrieval Service

AN Qi   

  1. School of Economics and Management,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China
  • Received:2020-11-30 Online:2021-05-30 Published:2021-07-21

Abstract: Taking 71 ministerial-level sci-tech novelty retrieval workstations approved by the Ministry of Education as the research object,this paper investigate the current pricing situation of sci-tech novelty retrieval services in universities by visiting the homepage of novelty retrieval workstations on the Internet,analyze them from the perspectives of pricing factors,regional differences,institutional types,pricing basis and methods,find out there are some unreasonable factors in the pricing of novelty retrieval,some problems in the pricing of novelty retrieval,such as confusion of pricing factors,unreasonable pricing mechanism and unscientific pricing method.On this basis,the charging strategies of government guided pricing,differentiated pricing and flexible pricing are put forward.And put forward the corresponding reasonable charging strategy to provide reference for scientific and reasonable pricing of sci-tech novelty retrieval service.

Key words: sci-tech novelty retrieval service;novelty retrieval station;novelty retrieval pricing;charge standard

CLC Number: 

  • G252.62