摘要: 和谐社会建设离不开文化事业的发展繁荣,文化信息资源共建共享则是文化建设的重要举措。只有创新共建共享机制,打破信息资源壁垒,推动文化信息资源深度整合、协同应用,才能把文化建设向纵深推进。
汪勤峰. 和谐社会视角下的文化信息资源共建共享研究[J]. 图书馆研究, 2013, 43(3): 16-18.
WANG Qin-feng (1.Marxism College of Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2.Library of Jiangxi Provincial Committee Party School of CPC, Nanehang 330003, China). Research on the Co-construction and Sharing of Cultural Information Resources from the Perspective of Harmonious Society[J]. Library Research, 2013, 43(3): 16-18.