图书馆研究 ›› 2010, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 122-125.

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  1. 江西省图书馆,江西南昌330046
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:夏侯炳(1944-),男,本科,研究馆员,研究方向:参考咨询、社会教育和应用语言学。

On New Regulation of Local Chronicles with Eight Types Running Parallel and Giving First Place to Annals Style

XIAHOU Bing(Jiangxi Provincial Library,Nanchang 330046,China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 概述了我国旧志没有索引,新编省、市、县新志绝大多数未编制索引以及地方志书后索引编制工作严重滞后的情况,论述了在续修地方志工作中推广内容索引的必然性和现实可行性,并主张将索引当做志书体裁之一,实行述、记、志、传、图、表、录、索引八体并用,以志为主的地方志编纂新体例。

关键词: 地方志书 索引 八体并用 计算机辅助编制索引

Abstract: This article outlines the actual conditions of old Chinese annals and most new local chronicles of the province,city and county levels not making index and being lagging seriously in the indexing work,discusses the necessity and the feasibility of popularizing the content index in compiling local chronicles,and advocates strongly that we must take index as a style of literature for annals and instituting the new compiling regulation of eight types running parallel and giving first place to annals type.

Key words: local chronicles; index; compiling regulation of eight types running parallel; index-compiling with computer-aided


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