图书馆研究 ›› 2010, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 63-65.

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  1. 宁波市鄞州区图书馆,浙江宁波315100
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:傅爱红(1969-),女,浙江宁波人,馆员,本科,研究方向:读者工作。

Discussion on Public Library Service for the Rural Unattended Children

FU Ai-hong(Ningbo Yínzhou District Library,Ningbo 315100,China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 随着城乡经济体制改革的深入和我国现代化进程的推进,农村青壮年人口外出务工的数量不断增长,农村留守儿童的问题越来越突出。在简述我国农村留守儿童现状的基础上,分析了公共图书馆为农村留守儿童服务可行性,提出了为农村留守儿童服务的措施。

关键词: 农村留守儿童 读者服务 公共图书馆 中国

Abstract: With the deepening of economic system reform and the advance of the process of modernization in China,the quanti-ties of the rural prime people who work outside of countryside are on the increase,the problems of rural unattended children are more and more emerging.By expounding the current situation of rural unattended children in China,this paper analyses the feasibility of library service for the rural unattended children,and puts forward some service mea-sures.

Key words: rural unattended children; reader service; public library; China


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