图书馆研究 ›› 2008, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 98-99.

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陈蔼莲 彭继玉   

  1. 江西财经大学图书馆,江西南昌330013 湖南财政经济学院图书馆,湖南长沙410205
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:陈蔼莲(1968-)女。江西丰城人。馆员。本科,发表论文4篇; 彭继玉(1969-)。女,土家族,湖南益阳人。

On the Role Orientation of Librarian in University Library during the Transformation Period

CHEN Ai-lian,PENG Ji-yu (1.Library Of Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics,Nanchang 330013,China; 2.Library of Hunan Finance Economics College,Changsha 410205,China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 随着计算机技术、通讯技术的发展,高校图书馆开始向现代化转型。与之相适应,高校图书馆员应定位为:信息的创建者、教授者、导航者和远程教育的传播者。同时,高校图书馆员还应具备适应图书馆现代化发展需要的基本素质和能力。

关键词: 转型期高校图书馆 图书馆员 角色定位 素质 能力

Abstract: With the rapid development of computer technology and communication technology,the university library begins to transform itself into modernization.Correspondingly,the librarian in university library should be the creator, instructor,navigator of information and propagator of distance education.Meanwhile,the librarian in university library should also be provided with some basic qualities and abilities to meet the library's need of its modernized development.

Key words: university library during the transformation period;librarian;role orientation;quality;ability


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