图书馆研究 ›› 2008, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 92-93.

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  1. 佛山科学技术学院,广东佛山528000
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:丁玉玲(1962-),女,经济师.本科。

Subject Librarian:The Main Force of Subject Service in University Library

DING Yu-ling (Foshan University of Science and Technology,Foshang 528000,China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 过去几年里,高校的规模化发展把我国高等教育推上了普及教育的新阶段,全科型综合性大学的大量涌现和其他院校学科专业的全方住、多样化发展。对高校图书馆提出了加强学科服务的要求。为了适应这种需求,我国高校图书馆应当从增强馆员参考咨询意识、确定学科馆员制度建设原则和思路、做好学科馆员的培养选拔以及建立相关制度等方面建立学科馆员制度。使学科服务成为高校图书馆参考咨询服务的主体形式。

关键词: 学科服务 学科馆员制度 参考咨询 高校图书馆

Abstract: In the several years of the past,the development of unprecedented size of the Chinese colleges and universities has pushed the higher education to a new phase of universal education.That the universities are emerging in a large number and a alldirection and variety of development prevails on the subjects and specialities in other colleges has put a demand for strengthening the subject service. This paper holds that the colleges and universities libraries have to start to set up the system of subject librarian from enhancing the consciousness of reference inquiry of librarian,defining the principle and thinking of the subject librarian system construction,accomplishing the training and selecting of subject librarian and establishing the interrelated regulations and measures so that the subject service can turn into the principal part of the reference service in Chinese colleges and universities in order to suit the needs of the readers.

Key words: subject service;the system of subject librarlan;reference service;university library


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