图书馆研究 ›› 2007, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 86-88.

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  1. 徐州师范大学图书馆,221116
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:李青枝,女,1973年生,硕士,馆员,发表论文多篇,供职于徐州师范大学图书馆。邮编:221116,江苏省徐州市铜山新区上海路101号。

On the Co-construction and Sharing of the Human Resource of University Library under the Association of the Academic Teaching Units

Li Qingzhi   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 高校教学联合体的建设和发展带来了教育优质资源的共建共享。在这个背景下,作为高校三大支柱之一的图书馆也加强了文献资源的共建共享,却忽略了人力资源的共建共享。鉴于此,分析了教学联合体内图书馆人力资源共建共享的必要性和可行性,并探讨了共建共享的几种模式。

关键词: 高校教学联合体 高校图书馆 人力资源

Abstract: The construction and development of the association of the academic teaching units brings the co-construction and sharing of the superior quality education resourees.Under this background, as the one of three major pillars in university, the library strengthens the co- construction and sharing of literature resource,but neglects the co-construction and sharing of the human resource.Because of this, this article analyzes the necessity and possibility of the co-construction and sharing of the human resource of university library under the association of the academic teaching units ,and discusses the mode of the co-construction and sharing.

Key words: Association of Academic Teaching Units,Academic Library,Human Resource


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