图书馆研究 ›› 2006, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 66-67.

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  1. 长江大学图书馆
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:李兰,女,1955年生,大专,馆员,供职于长江大学图书馆,发表论文7篇.邮编:434023,湖北省荆州市南环路1号.

Discussion and Analysis of Periodical Service in Hybrid Library

Li Lan    

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 随着文献载体形式的发展和传递方式的改变,一个集传统与现代、静态与动态相结合的复合图书馆正向我们走来.从现实工作出发,分析了处于转型期复合图书馆期刊工作的特点与存在的问题,提出期刊服务模式的创新思路.

关键词: 复合图书馆 期刊工作 服务模式 转型期

Abstract: Along with the development of the carrier type of document and the changes of deliver way, a hybrid library for gathering tradition and modem, static state and development ctogether is walking to us. The article sets out from the actuality work, analyzing the characteristics and the existent problem of the periodical work in pattern-transforming phase and puts forward the creative thinking of the periodical service mode.

Key words: Hybrid Library, Periodical Work, Service Mode, Transformation Period


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