图书馆研究 ›› 2006, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 57-59.

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  1. 广州大学图书馆
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:徐汉荣,女,1967年生,馆员。供职于广州大学图书馆。邮编:510440,广东省广州市白云大道北云山居云溪街20号303房。

Economic Information Resources Retrieval on the Internet

Xv Hanrong   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: Internet上经济信息资源很庞杂。要有效地获取和利用,就必须进行检索。介绍了利用搜索引擎、数据库、网站、学科导航、电子报刊、网上论坛和新闻组等途径进行网上经济信息资源的检索。并提供了常用网站的网址。

关键词: Internet 经济信息资源 信息检索

Abstract: In order to select and obtain the economic information resources on the Internet effectively, we have to resort to retrieval systems. Besides giving an introduction to some retrieval systems such as searching engine, data base, website, discipline navigation, emagazines and newspapers, internet forum and news group, this paper also provides some frequently-used websites.

Key words: Internct, Economic Information Resources, Informqtion Retrieval


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