图书馆研究 ›› 2005, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 31-32.

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去伪存真 因势利导——谈图书“纠错”与导读工作

李纯洁 蔺丽英 于宝芬   

  1. 石家庄经济学院育才校区图书馆 石家庄市图书馆
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:李纯洁,男;馆员,供职于石家庄经济学院育才校区图书馆; 蔺丽英,女,馆员,供职于石家庄经济学院育才校区图书馆; 于宝芬,女,研究馆员,供职于石家庄市图书馆,发表论文二十余篇。邮编:050011,河北省石家庄市建设北大街44号石家庄市图书馆于宝芬。

Error-correction on Some Books and Reading Instruction of Library

Li Chunjie, Run liying , Yu Baofen   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 根据对读者负责、对社会负责的原则,通过调查分析,对纠正普通图书中的错讹、提高导读工作水平提出了具体建议.

关键词: 纠错 伪劣图书 文献检索 导读工作

Abstract: Based on the library's responsibilities for the readers and society, the authors collects and analyzes some readers' opinions about the poor quality publications and the reading guidance of library by means of Interact investigation, and offers a proposal for improving the reading instruction of library by correcting the errors on some books.

Key words: Error-correction, Poor Quality Publications, Documents Searching, Reading Instruction


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