图书馆研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 64-66.

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  1. 柳州市图书馆,广西柳州545001
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:欧阳芳(1962-),女,馆员,本科,研究方向:信息开发与服务。

Discussion on the Service Innovation of the Public Library in the Era of the Omnimedia

OUYANG Fang (Liuzhou Library, Liuzhou 545001, China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 网络技术发展迅速,全媒体时代来临,公共图书馆应不断更新观念,更新原有的服务模式,提高服务水平。阐述全媒体的含义及其特征,分析全媒体对图书馆文献资源建设及读者的影响,提出全媒体时代公共图书馆的服务策略。

关键词: 全媒体时代 公共图书馆 读者服务

Abstract: The development of the network technology is rapid and the era of the omnimedia is coming. The public library should update the new ideas, original service model to improve service levels. This paper explains the meaning and characteristics of omnimedia, analyses the impact of omnimedia to literature resource construction and readers, and puts forward the service tactic of public hbraries in the era of the omnimedia

Key words: the era of the omnimedia; public library; reader service


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