图书馆研究 ›› 2019, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (4): 102-106.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5197(2019)04-0102-05

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李 亮   

  1. 深圳图书馆,广东 深圳 518036
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-19 出版日期:2020-01-09 发布日期:2020-01-09
  • 作者简介:李亮(1982-),女,硕士,馆员,任职于深圳图书馆读者服务部,研究方向:公共图书馆读者服务、青少年阅读推广。

Investigation on Adolescent Maker Education in Domestic Public Libraries

LI Liang   

  1. Shenzhen Library, Shenzhen 518036, China
  • Received:2019-03-19 Online:2020-01-09 Published:2020-01-09

摘要: 采用网站调研和文献调研方法,对国内省级公共图书馆及十五个副省级城市公共图书馆进行了调研, 厘清其创客空间的现状及其开展的青少年创客活动。同时选择青少年创客教育实践较为丰富成熟的云南省图书馆、广西壮族自治区图书馆、杭州图书馆和武汉图书馆进行深入研究,提炼其各自的特点和优势,并应用SWOT分析方法,对国内公共图书馆开展青少年创客教育现状进行整体分析,提出了发展建议和措施。

关键词: 公共图书馆;创客;创客空间;青少年创客教育

Abstract: By website survey and literature survey, the paper investigates the adolescent maker education in public libraries of 22 provinces and 15 cities. The paper selects Yunnan Library, Guangxi Library, Hangzhou Library and Wuhan Library as examples, analyzes their advantages in adolescent maker education. Then the paper conducts a SWOT analysis for adolescent maker education in domestic public libraries .At last, the paper proposes a series of optimization strategies for adolescent maker education in public libraries.

Key words: public libraries; maker; maker space; adolescent maker education


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