图书馆研究 ›› 2009, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 39-41.

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郭骧 王连明   

  1. 同济大学图书馆,上海200092
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:郭骧(1970-),女,馆员,硕士; 王连明(1973-),男,馆员,硕士。

Research on the Incentive Mechanism of Humanistic Management in Library from the Perspective of Flexible Accounting Matters

GUO Xiang,WANG Lian-ming (Library of Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 大量的研究成果表明,高工资并不一定能激发员工的干劲,而低工资则肯定降低干劲。在工资与干劲之间并不是简单的函数关系。激励的目的就是帮助员工将他们自己的事与组织的事协调起来,并取得绩效的提高。从人的本性出发。结合软性账务管理理论与组织的实际战略目标,阐述了一种有效的激励机制——自我激励。

关键词: 软性账务 图书馆 自我激励 人本管理 激励机制

Abstract: Many research results show that good wage does not necessarily arouse employee's enthusiasm for work,yet low wage must result in low efficiency,so there isn't a simple functional relationship between salary and enthusiasm.The aim of incentive is to coordinate the relation between employee and organization,and to improve the performance of the organization.This paper elaborates an effectual incentive mechanism:self-incentive from the point of humanity combining the theory of flexible accounting matters management and actual stratagem of organization.

Key words: flexible accounting matters;library;self-incentive;humanistic management;incentive mechanism


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