图书馆研究 ›› 2006, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 112-113.

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黄玉兰 刘莎   

  1. 宜春学院图书馆,江西省宜春市336000
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:黄玉兰,女性,本科,1952年生,副研究馆员,馆长,发表论文十余篇; 刘莎,女性,本科,1979年生,助理馆员.

On Flexible Administration and Rigid Administration in Library

Huang Yulan , Liu Sha   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 柔性管理是近年来备受世界各国普遍关注的一种管理思潮,它体现了以人为本的管理思想。但单纯强调柔性管理,割裂柔性管理与刚性管理之间的辩证联系,不利于图书馆人力资源建设。把柔性管理与刚性管理结合起来并导入图书馆管理中,将对图书馆的发展产生深刻的影响。在刚柔相济的管理过程中,应注意制度化建设、组织文化建设、营造宽松的人文环境,并在图书馆聘任制管理中实现柔性管理与刚性管理的有机结合。

关键词: 图书馆管理 柔性管理 刚性管理 人本主义 人力资源建设 制度化建设

Abstract: Flexible administration has been a kind of trend of thought which received extremely universal concerns all over the world. It has fully reflected the management thought of humanism.It will exert a profound influence over the library development to leading the flexibility administration integrate with the rigid administration in library. Constructing the system, establishing the library culture, constructing the loose and comfortable humanistic circumstance, realizing the organic combination of the flexible and the rigid in library engagement management should be pay attention to during the course of the combination.

Key words: Library Administration, Flexible Administration, Rigid Administration, Humanism


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