图书馆研究 ›› 2015, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 27-30.

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  1. 增城市图书馆,广东增城511300
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:刘飞云(1970-),女,高级教师,本科,研究方向:公共图书馆读者服务。

On the Construction of Community Libraries in Zengcheng City

LIU Fei-yun ( Zengcheng Library, Zengcheng 511300, China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 认为增城市有必要建设社区图书馆,并已经具备可行性条件,建设思路主要有三个方面:政策支持,全员共建;以点促面,平稳推进;因地制宜,各具特色。针对建设社区图书馆过程中可能遇到的问题,提出了部分可行的解决方法。

关键词: 图书馆建设 社区图书馆 增城市

Abstract: this paper considers it's necessary to construct community libraries in Zengcheng city, and feasible conditions are available. Three aspects should be considered: political support, all-aroud co-construction; fanning out from a point, promoting stably; adjusting measures to local conditions, character first. As for possible issues occuring in the process of the construction, it puts forward some countermeasures.

Key words: the construction of library; community library; Zengcheng city


  • G258.2