图书馆研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 73-76.

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  1. 重庆图书馆,重庆400037
  • 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:袁嘉芮(1981-),女,助理馆员,本科,研究方向:应用心理学及读者服务。

Child Psychology and Children Event Planning of Public Libraries: A Case Study of Reading Promotion Event in Chongqing Library

YUAN Jia-rui (Chongqing Library, Chongqing 400037, China)   

  • Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 做好少儿阅读推广工作,是公共图书馆的一项重要任务。为了发挥馆藏资源的作用,培养少儿早期阅读的良好习惯,图书馆往往引入少儿活动来提高少儿阅读兴趣。参考儿童心理学理论、方法和研究成果,可组织策划行之有效的少儿活动。以重庆图书馆阅读推广活动为例,论述了儿童心理学在少儿活动中的实际运用。

关键词: 儿童心理学 公共图书馆 活动策划 阅读推广

Abstract: Launching children's reading promotion is an important task of public libraries. In order to play the role of chil- dren library collection resources, to cultivate children's early reading good habits, public libraries introduce children's activities to improve their reading interest. It needs to refer to the theory, methods of child psycholo- gy and its research results to effectively organize children activities. This paper refers to reading promotion event in Chongqing library, discusses the practical application of child psychology in children event.

Key words: child psychology; public library; event planning; reading promotion


  • G252.1