图书馆研究 ›› 2019, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (5): 11-18.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5197(2019)05-0011-08

• 学术探讨 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 金陵科技学院图书馆,江苏 南京 211169
  • 收稿日期:2019-06-15 出版日期:2020-01-16 发布日期:2020-01-16
  • 作者简介:马其峥(1982—),女,馆员,硕士,研究方向:高校阅读推广。

Towards Mission-oriented Reading Promotion in University Libraries:The Cause, Connotation and Path

MA Qi-zheng   

  1. Jinling Institute of Technology Library,Nanjing 211169,China
  • Received:2019-06-15 Online:2020-01-16 Published:2020-01-16

摘要: 在全民阅读背景下,阅读推广正在从派生服务、延伸服务转化为一种常规服务,并逐渐成为高校图书馆的应然使命。推动阅读推广迈向使命型,是高校图书馆在新时代满足师生诉求、传播主流价值、创建书香校园、实现转型提质的迫切需要。高校图书馆的使命型阅读推广,主要内涵体现在目标的战略性、主体的能动性、内容的导向性、过程的创新性和成效的示范性。为此,高校图书馆应当通过坚定推广信念、做精推广策划、创新推广方式、建强推广队伍、优化推广生态等举措奋力打造这一阅读推广的理想形态。

关键词: 图书馆阅读推广;高校图书馆;使命型

Abstract: In the context of the whole people's reading, reading promotion is transforming from derivative services and extended services to a regular service, and it is gradually becoming one of the missions of university libraries. Promoting the transformation of reading promotion into mission oriented type, that is an urgent need for university libraries in the new era to meet the demands of teachers and students, disseminate the mainstream value, create a fragrant campus, and realize the transformation of quality. The main connotation of the mission oriented reading promotion is embodied in the strategy of the target, the initiative of the main body, the orientation of the content, the innovation of the process and the demonstration of the effectiveness. Therefore, university libraries should strive to achieve the ideal form of reading promotion through these measures, including firming the belief, making fine plans, innovating the ways, nurturing librarians, and optimizing ecology.

Key words: reading promotion in library;university library;mission oriented type


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