图书馆研究 ›› 2015, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 88-94.

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  1. 济宁学院图书馆,山东 曲阜 273155
  • 收稿日期:2015-06-19 出版日期:2015-05-28 发布日期:2019-04-28
  • 作者简介:刘欣(1968-),女,副研究员,硕士,研究方向:信息素养教育、学科服务|陈琳(1978-),女,副研究馆员,硕士,研究方向:信息服务、学科服务

Research on the Application of the WeChat Public Platform in the Activity of Human Library

Xin LIU,Lin CHEN   

  1. Library of Jining College, Qufu 273155, China
  • Received:2015-06-19 Online:2015-05-28 Published:2019-04-28

摘要: 目的: 研究微信公众平台在真人图书馆活动中的应用状况,探索真人图书馆宣传推广沟通交流的最佳网络平台,助力真人图书馆的可持续性发展;方法:以“真人图书”为检索词,搜索微信公众平台,利用定量和定性相结合的方法,对其基本情况和服务功能进行统计分析;结论:真人图书馆微信公众平台应用中存在更新频率低、功能简单、线上互动缺乏等不足;未来微信在真人图书馆服务中的改进措施:优化内容、坚持更新,开展线上实时交流,增强虚拟互动,拓展微信服务功能、延伸服务范围。

关键词: 真人图书馆, 微信, 微信公众平台, 应用

Abstract: Objective To study the application status of WeChat public platform in the activities of human library and to explore a best network platform for the human library’s promotion and communication, which can help human library be in a sustainable development; Methods: The "real book" is used to search the WeChat public platform, and the basic conditions and service functions are analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative methods; Conclusion The application of WeChat public platform exists low frequency, simple function, lack of online interaction; The improvement measures of WeChat in human library service in future is to optimize the content, update, to carry out online real-time communication, to enhance the interactive virtual, to expand the WeChat service function and to extend the scope of services.

Key words: human library, WeChat, WeChat public platform, application


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